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Guide 4: Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)

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The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is the points-based system used to assess and score your Express Entry profile (➨Page) and rank you in the Express Entry pool.

The points you get from the CRS include a core set of points up to 600 and a set of additional points of up to 600. Your total score will be out of 1,200.

Core: Up to 600 points (A, B, C)

  • Skills and experience factors
    1. Age
    2. Education
    3. Language
    4. Canadian Work Experience
  • Spouse or common-law partner factors, such as their language skills and education
    1. Spouse Level of Education
    2. Spouse Language
    3. Spouse Canadian Work Experience
  • Skills transferability, including education and work experience
    1. Education with Language Proficiency or Canadian Work Experience
    2. Spouse Language
    3. Foreign Work Experience with Good Language Proficiency or Canadian Work Experience

Additional: Up to 600 points (D)

  • Additional factors
    1. Sibling in Canada
    2. Knowledge of French
    3. Post-secondary Education in Canada
    4. Post-secondary Education in Canada
    5. Provincial or Territorial Nomination

Core points + Additional points = your total score

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A. Core / human capital factors

Factor A1: Age

You’ll get points based on your age on the day you submit your application.

Age With Spouse or Common-law partner Without Spouse or Common-law partner
Under 18 0 0
18 90 99
19 95 105
20-29 100 110
30 95 105
31 90 99
32 85 94
33 80 88
34 75 83
35 70 77
36 65 72
37 60 66
38 55 61
39 50 55
40 45 50
41 35 39
42 25 28
43 15 17
44 5 6
45 or older 0 0

Factor A2: Level of Education

Level of Education With Spouse or Common-law partner Without Spouse or Common-law partner
Doctoral (PhD) level 140 150
Master’s degree or Professional degree (doctorate) in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, chiropractic medicine, law 126 135
Two or more post-secondary credentials, one of which is a three-year or longer post-secondary credential 119 128 
Bachelor’s degree or three-year or longer post-secondary credential 112 120
Two-year post-secondary credential 91 98
One-year post-secondary credential 84 90
Secondary school/high school diploma 28 30
Less than Secondary school/high school diploma 0 0

Factor A3: Language

First Official language – CLB Level Per Ability

Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

With Spouse or Common-law partner Without Spouse or Common-law partner
CLB 10 or more 32 34
CLB 9 29 31
CLB 8 22 23
CLB 7 16 17
CLB 6 8 9
CLB 4 or 5 6 6
CLB 3 or less 0 0

Second Official language – CLB Level Per Ability

Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

With Spouse or Common-law partner Without Spouse or Common-law partner
CLB 9 or more 6 6
CLB 7 or 8 3 3
CLB 5 or 6 1 1
CLB 4 or Less 0 0

Factor A4: Canadian Work Experience

Canadian Work Experience With Spouse or Common-law partner Without Spouse or Common-law partner
Less than 1 year 0 0
1 year 35 40
2 years 46 53
3 years 56 64
4 years 63 72 
5 or more years 70 80

B. Spouse or common-law partner factors

Factor B1: Spouse Level of Education

Level of Education With Spouse or Common-law partner
Doctoral (PhD) level 10
Master’s degree or Professional degree (doctorate) in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, chiropractic medicine, law 10
Two or more post-secondary credentials, one of which is a three-year or longer post-secondary credential 9
Bachelor’s degree or three-year or longer post-secondary credential 8
Two-year post-secondary credential 7
One-year post-secondary credential 6
Secondary school/high school diploma 2
Less than Secondary school/high school diploma 0

Factor B2: Spouse Language

Spouse First Official language – CLB Level Per Ability

Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

With Spouse or Common-law partner
CLB 9 or more 5
CLB 7 or 8 3
CLB 5 or 6 1
CLB 4 or less 0

Factor B3: Spouse Canadian Work Experience

Spouse Canadian Work Experience With Spouse or Common-law partner
Less than 1 year 0
1 year 5
2 years 7
3 years 8
4 years 9
5 or more years 10

C. Skill transferability factors (Maximum 100 points for this section)

Factor C1: Education with Language Proficiency or Canadian Work Experience

Level of Education

(With Language CLB7 or Higher)

Points for CLB 7 or

more on all first official

language abilities, with one or

more under CLB 9

(Maximum 25 points)

Points for CLB 9 or

more on all four first official

language abilities

(Maximum 50 points)

Doctoral (PhD) level 25 50
Master’s degree or Professional degree (doctorate) in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, chiropractic medicine, law 25 50
Two or more post-secondary credentials, one of which is a three-year or longer post-secondary credential 25 50
One-year or longer post-secondary credential 13 25
Secondary school/high school diploma or less 0 0

Level of Education

(With Canadian Work Experience)

Points for 1 year of Canadian

work experience

(Maximum 25 points)

Points for 2 years or more of

Canadian work experience

(Maximum 50 points)

Doctoral (PhD) level 25 50
Master’s degree or Professional degree (doctorate) in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, chiropractic medicine, law 25 50
Two or more post-secondary credentials, one of which is a three-year or longer post-secondary credential 25 50
One-year or longer post-secondary credential 13 25
Secondary school/high school diploma or less 0 0

Factor C2: Foreign Work Experience with Good Language Proficiency or Canadian Work Experience

Foreign Work Experience

(With Language CLB7 or Higher)

Points for CLB 7 or

more on all first official

language abilities, with one or

more under CLB 9

(Maximum 25 points)

Points for CLB 9 or

more on all four first official

language abilities

(Maximum 50 points)

3 years or more 25 50
1 or 2 years 13 25
Less than 1 year 0 0

Foreign Work Experience

(With Canadian Work Experience)

Points for 1 year of Canadian

work experience

(Maximum 25 points)

Points for 2 years or more of

Canadian work experience

(Maximum 50 points)

3 years or more 25 50
1 or 2 years 13 25
Less than 1 year 0 0

Factor C3: Qualification certificate (Trade Occupations) with Good Language Proficiency

Trade Occupations Lists (➨Page

Qualification certificate (Trade Occupations)

(With Language CLB 5 or Higher)

Points for CLB 5 or

more on all first official

language abilities, with one or

more under CLB 7

(Maximum 25 points)

Points for CLB 7 or

more on all four first official

language abilities

(Maximum 50 points)

3 years or more 25 50

D. Additional points (Maximum 600 points)

Factor D1: Sibling in Canada

Sibling in Canada Points
Brother or sister living in Canada who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 15

Factor D2: Knowledge of French

Knowledge of French Points
CLB 7 or higher on all four French language skills and CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills 50
CLB 7 or higher on all four French language skills and CLB 4 or lower in English 25

Factor D3: Post-secondary Education in Canada

Post-secondary Education in Canada Points
Credential of three years or longer 30
Credential of one or two years 15

Factor D4: Arranged Employment

Arranged Employment Points
Senior managers (TEER 0 Major group 00) 200
Any other job in TEER 1, 2 or 3 or any TEER 0 other than major group 00 50

Factor D5: Provincial or Territorial Nomination

Provincial or Territorial Nomination Points
Yes 600

Your Total Score:


A. Core / human capital factors +

B. Spouse or common-law partner factors +

C. Skill transferability factors +

D. Additional points





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