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Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSW)

  • Q.C: Quebec
  • E.O.I: Expression of Interest
  • P.S: Point System
  • F.R: Francophone

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Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSW)

The Quebec Skilled Worker program gives foreign workers or international graduates the opportunity to apply to permanently live and work in Quebec.
Once you meet the minimum criteria and submits your application, you will be evaluated based on a point system. The points are awarded based on factors such as age, education, language proficiency, work experience, and other criteria.

Before you can apply for the program you must create a profile in the Expression of Interest system ( using the province's Arrima portal.

Ready to take the next step towards your Canadian immigration journey? Fill out the form below and embark on your path to new opportunities.



The following requirements must be met if you are applying to Quebec Skilled Worker Program:

1- Education

You must, at a minimum, hold a diploma corresponding to a general or vocational high school diploma in Quebec.

2- Financial Self-sufficiency

You must show that you have enough money for you and your family to settle in Quebec following your arrival (➨Appendix 2).

You must sign a contract in which you undertake to provide for your needs and your family’s needs for at least the first three (3) months following your arrival in Quebec.

3- Ineligibility

You are not eligible to apply under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program if you are a refugee claimant in Canada, a failed refugee claimant, had a removal order, are prohibited from entering or being in Canada, do not have status in Canada or are living illegally in your country of residence.

Ready to take the next step towards your Canadian immigration journey? Fill out the form below and embark on your path to new opportunities.



If you meet the above minimum requirement, then you must calculate your total score based on the following selection factors (➨ To qualify for immigration to Canada as a Quebec-selected skilled worker, a single applicant (or married with non-accompanying spouse) must score at least 50 points. If you are applying with your spouse, you must score at least 59 points in order to be eligible for the QSW Program.

You must also reach the cut-off score for employability that is 43 points if you are single and 52 points if you are married. The employability threshold is the sum of all factors except points for children and self-sufficiency.

If you reach the minimum threshold and are accepted into the pool of candidates in the Arrima portal, you will be ranked based upon your points assessment score. Only top ranked candidates will be invited to apply.
The Quebec Immigration selection factors may be summarized as follows:
Selection Factor Maximum Points
Factor 1: Education 26
Factor 2: Work Experience 8
Factor 3: Age 16
Factor 4: Language Ability 22
Factor 5: Stay and family in Quebec 8
Factor 6: Spouse Education 8
Factor 7: Spouse Age 3
Factor 8: Spouse Language Ability 6
Factor 9: Validated Job Offer 14
Factor 10: Children 8
Factor 11: Financial Self-sufficiency 1

Factor 1: Education

You can receive up to 14 points for the level of your education and up to 12 points for area of training.
Level of Education Points
Doctoral (PhD) level 14
Master’s level 12
Three-year or longer university credential 10
Three-year technical post-secondary credential 8
Two-year university degree 6
One or two-year technical post-secondary credential 6
Vocational high school 6
One-year university credential 4
Two-year general post-secondary diploma 4
General high school diploma 2
No high school diploma Not Eligible

Only diplomas obtained before you submitted your application for selection are considered in awarding points for the Level of Education.

The foreign credentials are evaluated based on its correspondence to the Quebec education system. Although not mandatory, in order o obtain an attestation confirming the equivalency of the degree/diploma issued in your country of origin and the equivalent in Quebec's education system, you should submit an application for a comparative education evaluation (évaluation comparative des études/ECD). (➨

Area of Training Points
Section A 12
Section B 9
Section C 6
Section D 2
Section E 0

The Areas of Training sub-category is intended to identify potential immigrants who are professionally trained in areas with strong job prospects in Quebec. A detailed Quebec Skilled Worker Program list of Areas of Training (➨ is available to help you determine which section your degree or diploma is classified under.

Factor 2: Work Experience

You can get up to 8 points for the number of years you’ve spent doing full-time paid work (at least 30 hours per week, or an equal amount of part-time).  Your work experience must have been acquired legally in the five (5) years and it must be in an occupation with a skill level above NOC level D (TEER 5)  (➨Appendix 1).

Work internships as part of an apprenticeship, training or specialization recognized by a diploma is also acceptable even if it’s not paid.
Experience Points
4 years or more 8
2 to 3 years 6
6 months to 1 year 4
Less than 6 months 0

Factor 3: Age

You’ll get points based on your age on the day you are invited through the Arrima Expression of Interest portal.
Age Points
Under 18 0
18-35 16
36 14
37 12
38 10
39 8
40 6
41 4
42 2
43 and over 0

Factor 4: Language Ability

You can receive up to 16 points for your knowledge of French and up to 6 points for your knowledge of English.
To be awarded point for language, you must have taken an approved test results. Test must be taken no more than two (2) years prior to submission of your EOI as well as your application.

Points are awarded according to the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français (Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) (➨Appendix 5).

To prove your language abilities you must take any of the following approved tests:
French: TEF, TEFAQ, TEF Canada, TCF, TCF Quebec, DELF and DALF
English: IELTS General

To find out the equivalent level for any of the above approved tests (➨Appendix 5).

Factor 5: Stay and Family in Quebec

You can get maximum of 8 points for any combination of the following factors:
Stay in Quebec Points
Stay for study purposes leading to a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS/DEP) or an Attestation of Vocational Specialization (AVS/ASP) of 900 to less than 1,800 hours, combined with at least 6 months or more full-time work experience in Quebec related to the area of training 5
Stay for study purposes leading to a DVS/DEP or an AVS/ASP of 1,800 hours or more, a Diploma of College Studies (DCS/DEC), or an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral diploma 5
Stay for work purposes with work permit of at least 1 year and full-time work experience of 6 months or more 5
Other stays of 3 months or more 2
Other stays of 2 weeks to 3 months 1
Family in Quebec Points
Close family relative in Quebec (Spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, and step-family members or in-laws of the same relationships) 3

Factor 6: Spouse Education

You can receive up to 4 points for the level of your spouse’s education and up to 4 points for area of training of your spouse.
Spouse Level of Education Points
Doctoral (PhD) level 4
Master’s level 4
Three-year or longer university credential 3
Three-year technical post-secondary credential 3
Two-year university degree 2
One or two-year technical post-secondary credential 2
Vocational high school 2
One-year university credential 1
Two-year general post-secondary diploma 1
General high school diploma 1
No high school diploma 0
Section A 4
Section B 3
Section C 2
Section D 1
Section E 0

Factor 7: Spouse Age

You’ll get points based on your spouse’s age on the day you are invited through the Arrima Expression of Interest portal.
Spouse Age Points
Under 18 0
18-35 3
36-42 2
43 and over 0

Factor 8: Spouse Language Ability

You can receive up to 6 points for your spouse’s knowledge of French in Listening and Speaking (➨Appendix 5).

Factor 9: Validated Job Offer

If you have a validated job offer from a Quebec employer, you can receive up to 14 points based on the location of your job in Quebec.
Validated Job Offer Location Points
Montreal Metropolitan Region 8
Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine 10
Bas-Saint-Laurent / Côte-Nord / Laurentides / Mauricie / Nord-du-Quebec / Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean 12
Abitibi-Témiscamingue / Centre-du-Quebec / Estrie / Lanaudière / Outaouais 13
Capitale-Nationale / Chaudière-Appalaches / Montérégie 14
Your Employability Score
Pass Mark for Applicants Without Spouse 43
Pass Mark for Applicants With Spouse 52

Factor 10: Children

You can receive up to 8 points depending on how many children you have and their ages on the day you are invited through the Arrima Expression of Interest portal.
Children Points
12 years or less 4 per child
13 to 21 years 2 per child

Factor 11: Financial Self-sufficiency

Meet Financial Self-sufficiency Points
Yes 1
No Not Eligible
Your Score
Pass Mark for Applicants Without Spouse 50
Pass Mark for Applicants With Spouse 59




Step 1: Submit an Online Expression of Interest (EOI) – Arrima Portal

Now that you meet all the requirements, you can complete an online Expression of Interest (EOI) in Arrima portal (➨ To complete the EOI, you’ll need information from some documents including passports, language test results, etc. But you don’t need to upload any documents.

After you submit the EOI, the system will calculate your score based upon the information you enter and your EOI will be placed in a pool for potential selection.
Periodically applicants who meet certain criteria, based on labour market needs in the different regions of Quebec will be invited to apply. If you receive an Invitation to Apply, you can submit an immigration application and pay the associated fees.

Recent Draws – Quebec Skilled

Worker Program

Date of Draw No. of ITA
Sep 19, 2024 1650
Sep 5, 2024 1417
Aug 29, 2024 1550
Aug 8, 2024 1415
Aug 1, 2024 1490
Jul 25, 2024 1560
Jun 27, 2024 1528
Jun 20, 2024 1470

In addition to general criteria such as age, French proficiency, level of education, area of training, work experience, etc., certain invitations are established based on specific criteria, such as having a job offer, having earned a degree in Quebec, or having temporary worker status. For scoring criteria please visit (➨

If you’re not invited to apply within twelve (12) months of submitting your EOI, it will automatically expire and removed from the system. You can still create a new EOI. If you are able to acquire additional points after submitting your EOI, you can update your profile in Arrima.

Step 2: Submit Application for a Quebec Selection Certificate

If you are invited, you will receive information on how to access your permanent selection application form. You will have a maximum of sixty (60) days from the date you receive your invitation to complete your application for permanent selection and pay the required processing fee.
After submitting your permanent selection application, you will receive a personalized list of documents to provide to support your application.
You must submit an application for permanent selection, transmit the supporting documents for their application and make the payment of the required fees in your Arrima portal.

Subsequently, after the processing of your application has begun, you will be sent an e-mail inviting you to provide your attestation of learning about democratic values and the Quebec values. The members of your family included in your application (spouse aged 16 and over and dependent children aged 18 and over) will be required to obtain the attestation. Persons with a disability that prevents them from obtaining the attestation are exempt from this condition.

To obtain the attestation, you must successfully complete the online assessment or participate in an information session in Quebec. Once you obtain the attestation, it is valid for two (2) years.
QSW Application
Apply Online (Arrima):
Submit Application:

Direction du regroupement familial et de


Ministère de l’Immigration, de la

Francisation et de l’Intégration

205-1200, boulevard Saint-Laurent

Montréal (Québec) H2X 0C9


Official Program Guide:
QSW Application Fee:
Main applicant: $895
Spouse: $192
Each child: $192
Processing Time:
Document Checklist:
Personalized list in Arrima Portal

Tel: 514-864-9191

Fax: 514-864-8158

(general questions)

For more information on the online assessment, see (➨

If your application is approved, you will be informed of the next steps to follow in your immigration process. If possible, the officer will immediately issue your Certificat de sélection du Quebec (CSQ – Quebec Selection Certificate). Otherwise it will be mailed to you. The CSQ is a document stating that an applicant has officially been selected for immigration by the province of Quebec.

Step 3: Apply for Permanent Residence

After obtaining your CSQ, your next step is to submit a complete application for a permanent resident visa (➨Page) within the validity of your CSQ which is two (2) years.

You must submit your application using the IRCC Permanent Residence Portal (PR Portal) (➨

If your application is complete, you will receive a letter or an email confirming that your file has been received and accepted for processing. This letter is called the Acknowledge of Receipt (AOR) and will include your IRCC file number.
Once you have received your acknowledgement of receipt, you can create an online account and link your application to it. By creating an account, you will be able to receive email updates and a more detailed case status.

Step 4: Landing in Quebec

If your application for permanent residence is approved, you will be asked to pay your right of permanent residence fee if you haven't already done so. You will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and if you are from a country that requires a visa you will also be issued a permanent resident visa.

You will only become a Permanent Resident of Canada when you cross a Canadian port of entry. This is referred to as ‘landing in Canada' (➨Page).

You must land in Canada before the expiry date, which appears on your Canada Immigration Visa. Usually, the expiry date is one (1) year from the time medical examinations were completed. As this is not always the case, be sure to verify the expiry date as soon as the Canada Immigration Visa is received.
If you arrive at the Montréal-Trudeau international Airport, you will be greeted by the personnel of the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration who will offer direct support services to you.

Ready to take the next step towards your Canadian immigration journey? Fill out the form below and embark on your path to new opportunities.






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