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Guide 5: Business Immigration Comparison Chart

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Canada offers a range of business immigration programs, each designed to attract entrepreneurs, investors, and self-employed individuals who wish to contribute to the Canadian economy. These programs offer different pathways, requirements, and opportunities for those seeking to establish businesses and settle in Canada. In this guide, we'll provide a detailed comparison of various business immigration programs, highlighting key criteria and features.

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For the most up-to-date information on these programs and their eligibility criteria, you can visit the Immilib page of the respective program by clicking the page link next to it.

Point System Minimum Language Minimum Education Age Net Worth Management Experience Required Investment Expression of Interest Business Plan Business Performance Agreement Support Letter Exploratory Visit Number of Applicants
FSE Program Closed   Yes None1 N/A N/A Settlement Funds 4 Self-employed Experience Not Specified No Not Mandatory N/A N/A No Required 1
SUV No CLB 5 N/A N/A Settlement Funds 4 N/A Not Specified No Yes N/A Yes No Required 1 to 5
QE1 Yes B2 (Fr) High School N/A Settlement Funds 4 N/A Not Specified No Yes N/A Yes No Required 1
QE2 Yes B2 (Fr) High School N/A $900,000 N/A $200,000 or $300,000 No Yes $300,000 or $200,000 Deposit N/A No Required 1
QIIP Yes N/A N/A N/A $2,000,000 2 years 1,200,000 (Can be financed) No No N/A N/A No Required 1
QSE Yes B2 (Fr) High School N/A $100,000 Self-employed Experience N/A No No $50,000 or $25,000 Deposit N/A No Required 1
AF No None 1 N/A N/A $500,000 Farm Management $500,000 No Yes N/A N/A No Required 1
AFGE Yes CLB5 Post-Secondary N/A Settlement Funds 4 6 months 2 $100,000 or $50,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit Yes No Required 1
AGE Yes CLB7 2-year post-secondary in Alberta N/A N/A 6 months 2 N/A Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A No Required 1
ARE Yes CLB4 High School N/A $300,000 3 years ownership or 4 years Management $100,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit Yes Mandatory 1
BCEB Yes CLB4 Post-secondary 3 N/A $600,000 3 years ownership or 4 years Management $200,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A Recommended 1 to 2
BCER Yes CLB4 Post-secondary 3 N/A $300,000 3 years ownership or 4 years Management $100,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit Yes Mandatory 1
MBIE Yes CLB5 High School N/A $500,000 3 years $150,000 or $250,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory 1
MBIF No None 1 N/A N/A $500,000 3 years $300,000 Yes Yes $75,000 Deposit N/A Mandatory 1
MISE No CLB7 2-year post-secondary in Manitoba 21 to 35 Settlement Funds 4 N/A Not Specified Yes Yes 6 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory 1
NBBI Yes CLB5 High School 21 to 59 $500,000 3 years ownership or 6 years Management $150,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A May be required – Recommended 1
NLE Yes CLB5 High School 21 to 59 $600,000 2 years ownership or 5 years Management $200,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory 1 to 10
NLIGE Yes CLB7 2-year post-secondary in Memorial or College of North Atlantic 21 or older N/A 1 year in Newfoundland and Labrador Not Specified Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A 1 to 3
NTB No CLB4 As necessary for business N/A $250,000 or $500,000 As necessary for business $300,000 or $150,000 No Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory 1
NSE Yes CLB5 High School 21 or older $400,000 or $600,000 3 years ownership or 5 years Management $150,000 or $100,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory if purchasing business 1
NSIGE Yes CLB7 2-year post-secondary in Nova Scotia 21 or older N/A 1 year in Nova Scotia Not Specified Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A 1
OE Program Closed   Yes CLB4 at nomination stage N/A N/A $800,000 or $400,000 2 years $600,000 or $200,000 Yes Yes 10 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory if purchasing business 2
PEBWP Yes CLB4 High School 21 to 59 $600,000 3 years ownership or 5 years Management $150,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit Optional Recommended 1
SE Yes None 1 N/A N/A $500,000 3 years $300,000 or $200,000 Yes Yes 6 months on Work permit N/A Mandatory if purchasing business 1
SF No N/A N/A N/A $500,000 3 years farm management $150,000 No Yes $75,000 Deposit N/A Yes 1
SF (Young Farmer) No N/A N/A Under 40 $300,000 3 years farm management $150,000 No Yes $75,000 Deposit N/A Yes 1
SIGE Yes CLB7 2-year post-secondary in Saskatchewan 21 or older N/A 1 year in Saskatchewan Not Specified Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A 1
YB Yes CLB4 High School N/A $500,000 3 years of 5 years non-management related experience $300,000 Yes Yes 12 months on Work permit N/A Recommended 1
  1. While knowledge of one of Canada's official languages is not mandatory, your application may be denied if you lack proficiency in either language.
  2. Management Experience may not be required if you have experience working with a business incubator or accelerator
  3. Education requirement waived if you have experience as an active business owner-manager with 100 per cent ownership for at least 3 years
  4. In addition to the minimum settlement funds, net worth will be considered for the purpose of evaluating the potential for you to successfully execute on your business plan.





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